Living Without Magazine

If you have any kind of food allergy, I highly recommend a magazine called Living Without. It’s not just for those with gluten allergies, but covers a wide range of food allergies. In each issue, in the back, there is a list of foods and what you can use for substitutions. They have recipes in…

Thanksgiving – The First Real Test

My first real food allergy avoidance test was on Thanksgiving. It has become a tradition for about two dozen of us to get together at a friend’s house for dinner, each bringing a side dish (or two) with the hosts supplying the turkey and ham. In our circle of friends, there are so many food…

Allergy Diagnosis

Last year, my husband found out he had a gluten sensitivity, which explained a lot of his unpleasant digestive problems. So, I took a few gluten-free classes at PCC and starting using substitutes. It wasn’t too bad of a switch for me since we happen to live in an area that sells lots of gluten-free…